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Food and Beverage Policy


Newmarket-on-Fergus Community Centre CLG has considered our Food and Beverage Policy and conclude that while we do not serve food as in meals, we may serve light refreshments from time to time. Therefore guiding principles on the provision of food and beverage offerings is necessary to ensure that there is common understanding and shared expectations among our members around what will and will not be available. Setting these parameters informs the sourcing and preparation of all food and beverages and supports embers and volunteers in deciding what may and may not be made available to our clientele. This ‘duty of care’ also extends to catering contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. It is important that the acquirer of food or beverage on behalf of Newmarket-on-Fergus Community Centre CLG seek evidence from the suppliers and purveyors of food and beverage and associated services that they are in full compliance with food safety regulations and can demonstrate that they operate to the prescribed standards of food safety management. Suppliers should be HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) certified and adhere to these specified regulations.

Principles and Good Food Practice

When we are preparing food for a number of people, it's important to keep food safe.
We undertake to follow the following practical steps...

  1. We will ensure that food areas are suitably cleaned and sanitized before and after use and will wash any equipment we are using in hot soapy water.
  2. We will wash hands regularly with soap and water.
  3. We will take good care when boiling water and in the use of boiling water while making tea/coffee and when washing up.
  4. We will not prepare food on the premises and will purchase food and beverage only from HACCP certified suppliers
  5. We will always check the product and follow the ‘use by’ dates because these show how long the food remains safe to eat or drink. Giving out food after its ‘use by’ date puts people at risk
  6. We will be conscious of clients who may be at risk when they consume nuts or other foods that they may be allergic to. Although nearly any food is capable of causing an allergic reaction, there are eight foods that cause the majority of reactions. These are Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Egg, Wheat, Soy, Fish, Shellfish, Sesame.

Monitoring and Review

  1. Board members undertake to monitor the provision of food and beverages to our clients ensuring that care is taken in selection and serving.
  2. Newmarket-on-Fergus Community Centre CLG undertake to review this policy annually.

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